25 Projects Machine Learning Challenge

Keegan Fernandes
2 min readAug 20, 2021
Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

The goal of the 25 Projects Challenge is to make build rapid models and use them in inference while maintaining a standard of quality. This is to help people learn real-world machine learning skills.

Here are certain rules to keep in mind if you choose to do this challenge.

  1. Add links to any data you have from any source you have used or any link that you have found useful. The goal of this challenge is to spread information.
  2. For any two consecutive projects, use different models, approaches, data.. etc. For example, making consecutive models on CSV data might be considered a violation of this rule. Try doing different projects to get out of your comfort zone.
  3. Publish your findings and results on any platform. This will give you valuable feedback and give you the drive to make better quality projects.
  4. Add proper licensing and permissions if you are adding code or data.

If you publish your results, then you need to keep in mind that others will read your code. Here are some rules to keep in mind while publishing your project.

  1. Your code needs to be legible. My recommendation is to keep in mind the perspective of a person who is looking at your code for the first time. Add explanations where you think explanations are necessary.
  2. Add the process of developing your project to your published project it might help someone who is just starting out.
  3. Add the tag 25ProjectsChallenge to be found by others taking up this challenge.

Projects (Out of 25)

  1. KickStarter Project



Keegan Fernandes

First year student in Msc Data Science. Writes about data science and machine learning tutorials and the impact it has on the world.